Ka Idee/Speed Of The Sound Of Loneliness

Musik & Text: John Prine
Dt. Text: O. Kurti
2001 mit HANS THEESSINK gesungen.

Ka ldee, wos i da sogn soll.
Ka Idee, wia i das erklär.
I waß nua, i bin aso
und min Erkärn tua i ma recht schwer.

So what in the world's come over you
And what in heaven's name have you done
You've broken the speed of the sound of loneliness
You're out there running just to be on the run

You come home late and you come home early
You come on big when you're feeling small
You come home straight and you come home curly
Sometimes you don't come home at all

So what in the world's come over you
And what in heaven's name have you done
You've broken the speed of the sound of loneliness
You're out there running just to be on the run

It's a mighty mean and a dreadful sorrow
It's crossed the evil line today
Well, how can you ask about tomorrow
We ain't got one word to say

So what in the world's come over you
And what in heaven's name have you done
You've broken the speed of the sound of loneliness
You're out there running just to be on the run

Wos is da do nua eingfalln?
Wos host da dabei denkt?
Vaschwindst 2 Tog und riast di ned.
Manst ned, daß des den andern kränkt?
Manst ned, daß des den andern kränkt?
Wos host da dabei denkt?

© 08/1988  G. Brödl

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